Web Hosting & Domain Name FAQs

What is web hosting?

Web hosting enables you to publish websites on the internet. Your website is uploaded to a web hosting service so that other people using the internet can see it.

What can be done with web hosting?

With web hosting you can set up any type of website you like. Most of people use their website hosting platform for business, hobby or personal sites. You can even host more than one websites on your Smiley Webservices account.

Do I need to have technical knowledge to use a web hosting service?

When your website is hosted, you will know that it is easy to use. Most of the features can be accessed through the simple and user friendly control panel provided. Moreover the applications included will also make website creation easy.

Even little technical knowledge proves beneficial. In particular it will be an added advantage if you know anything about FTP as using FTP is one of the easiest methods to upload a website to your web host.

If you have never used a web host before, don’t worry. All you have to do is contact our support department and they will provide you with complete information and assistance with setting up the website.

What is the time frame required to set up web hosting account?

Most of the hosting accounts are set up right away, although it might take some time to register your domain name and point it to your web hosting account.

How do I contact MilesWeb for help?

The first thing is checking our knowledge base that consists of a wide range of information about using website hosting. In case you encounter a common problem, you will get a solution for that as well.

You can also ask for help by contacting us through Email, Live Chat or Phone.

Can you assist me in moving my website from another provider?

Yes we can assist you in moving the website however this can only be done if the control panel is same.

Domain Name

Can I purchase web hosting without a domain name?

No. Every website hosted on MilesWeb must be linked with a domain name. A domain name can be registered when you sign up for a hosting account on MilesWeb.

If you like you can also host a domain name that you already own. If the domain is registered through MilesWeb you will be able to link it with your hosted site when you order the package. In case the domain name is registered through any other company, make sure to update the name servers so that your website is accessible to everyone. You can also transfer the domain name to MilesWeb, so that your hosting and domain are managed through a single portal.

I already own a domain name, can I use it with my web hosting?

In case the domain name is already registered with MilesWeb but you are not currently using it with any of our hosting services, it can be added to your website hosting package when you sign up.

In case your domain is hosted with any other company, there are two ways to use it with MilesWeb hosting:

Transfer it to MilesWeb and then link it with your web hosting package. Most of the domain name companies will permit you to transfer the domain name to MilesWeb. This process might take a few days.

Let the domain name be where it is and point it at your hosted website on MilesWeb.

What is a sub domain?

With a sub domain another level is added to your domain name. The sub domains can point to different websites or different parts of the website. For example, your company blog can be hosted on http://blog.yourcomapnyname.com. You can set up the desired number of sub domains with MilesWeb.

What are domain pointers?

Domain pointers enable you to point your domain names at different parts of the web hosting. You can upload and run more than one website through a single web hosting account.

My domain name is held with another company, can I point it to MilesWeb?

Yes, there is no problem with this. During sign up select the option ” I will update my nameservers on an existing domain Or I will register a new domain.” enter your domain name and proceed further.

Technical Stuff

Do I need to back up the files in my website hosting package?

Even though we take all the necessary precautions to safeguard your data, we recommend you to keep a backup of your website as well. With your backup you will be safeguarded in case of a failure of our systems (unlikely) and also against the problems caused by the changes made. You can contact our support department regarding the backups.

Can I install applications?

Yes. Applications like WordPres, Joomla, Mambo, Drupal, Typo3, B2Evolution, PHPNuke, Xoops etc. and other similar ones can be installed. In case the application you need is not there, you can install it on the web hosting package, however the features of our cheapest web hosting must be in sync with their requirements.

Please make a note that the applications that require root or administrator level access cannot be installed.

How secure is MilesWeb hosting?

We take every precautionary measure to safeguard our systems from crashes, hacking, hardware failures and physical damage. All our servers are located in a highly secure data center based in India.

Access to the servers is strictly restricted to the concerned personnel. In the normal situations, power is taken from the power grid. We ensure uninterrupted supplies and on-site generators are also used in case of failure of the external supply.

All your data is placed behind a secure firewall that contains multiple layers of protection. We also conduct regular backups and store copies of the data off site.

Billing And Payment

Is there any minimum contract period?

You can pay on annual basis. There is a 30 day money back guarantee. In case you sign up for more than a year, you will get a better deal for the web hosting package.

How will the money back guarantee work?

If you are of the opinion that the hosting package is not right for you, contact us through email or call within 30 days. The amount that you have paid will be refunded, however the refund amount will not include the cost of registering the domain names or SSL, as the domains/SSL can’t be ‘unregistered’ once you have selected them.

Looking out for quality web hosting and domain registration services? MilesWeb is the best place to meet your exact requirement.

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